General Instruction

Strict observance of the rules and regulations of the school help the students to grow into well-disciplined and productive citizens. All school activities are directed and tuned towards this end. The pupils and their parents have to compulsorily and honestly follow the discipline of the school for its smooth functioning and to attain its lofty objectives mentioned above.


Transfer and Conduct certificates is issued only when the parent /guardian applies for it in the prescribed form after clearing all the dues in the office. CD will be reimbursed on the production of its receipt. Fees will remain due, until a request of withdrawal of the student from the school is given in written to the Principal.


Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, disobedience, indiscipline, defiance of authority, lack of sufficient efforts to improve in studies, immoral behaviour, threat to other students, exchange or use of mobile and other electronic gadgets on the campus, political activities on school campus and parental misbehaviour with any other student, parent, staff or school authorities are sufficient reasons for dismissal of a student. If the parent is non co-operative with the school, his/her child may be dismissed with immediate effect.
Pupils are expected to conduct themselves befittingly in and outside the school. Hence, misbehavior in public places, streets and conveyances are sufficient reasons for dismissal from school. Students who remain absent from class for 15 days, or 3 days adjacent to vacations, will have their names removed from the role. The Principal reserves the right to readmit them after the payment of fresh admission fee.

Leave and Absence

The reason for the absence must be explained on the Leave Record page of the School Hand Book with parent’s signature.
If absence on account of illness lasts for more than three days, the application for leave must be made to the Principal with supporting documents. Defaulters shall be excluded from class. No leave of absence is granted for terminal or monthly tests.
No student will be sent home, even in urgent cases, unless a duly authorized person comes to take the student.
Leave of absence, for any reason other than illness, requires a previous written application to the Principal. If the student takes more than 5 leaves a year, the parent may be asked to report in person in each case. In case of absence, parents have to see that the student makes up the portions done in the class. Parents are requested not to take students to tours and ceremonies on working days, especially before or after holidays. Family tours may be planned referring to the school Diary for holidays

Fee payment

  • The school fees and bus fees cover 12 months.
  • Fees must be paid before the 15th of every month failing which a fine of Rs.50/- will be period per month.
  • Fees can be paid at the South Indian Bank counter in the school office from 5th to 15th of every month. Thereafter the counter will be open on every Monday of a month.
  • Rebate is allowed on payment of the full year’s fees.
  • Fees are acceptable in cash, cheque or card