ICSE Guidelines


A.    Conditions of Entry

Entry to the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education examination, in the case of candidates who are being entered for the first time, is restricted to candidates with a minimum of 75% attendance of the working days during each year of the two- year course at schools affiliated to the Council and registered for the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education Examination. The last date for computing attendance at school is February 15, for each year of the two-year course.

Candidates can be entered only by the school they are attending and in this respect, the decision of the head of the school is final.

B.      Withdrawal of Candidates

Candidates may be withdrawn online only at any time prior to the commencement of the examination, provided that, once the entries have been acknowledged as accepted by the Council's office, Heads of Schools may only withdraw candidates

C.      Syllabus

The Regulations and Syllabuses of the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education Examination are included in this booklet, copies of which are obtainable from: M/s. Evergreen Publishers, 4738/23, Ansari Road, Daryaganj, New Delhi 110002. Telephone: (011) 23264528, 23270431.

D.     Disqualification

  If any of the Regulations made for the conduct of the examination is not adhered to, the candidate or    candidates concerned may be disqualified.

E.     Choice of Subjects (For K. E. Carmel Group of Schools) :

All candidates for the examination must enter for a minimum six subjects, Group I (Compulsory): English, a Second Language, History, Civics and Geography, Group II (Two subjects): Mathematics, Science (Physics, Chemistry and Biology) and Group III (one subject): Computer Applications and must have been examined by the school in practical/project work in English, the Second Language, History, Civics and Geography and the two subjects from Group II and one subject from Group III and in Socially Useful Productive Work and Community Service.

  1. Arrangements
    1. Date of Examination: The printed timetable will be made available to all schools well before the examination
    2. Centres of Examination: Centres for each region will be arranged by the Convener/s elected or nominated for the Examination year in consultation with the office of the Council. The minimum number of candidates required for a school to be granted an Independent Examination Centre is normally 15
    3. Registration of Candidates: Candidates must be registered online in Class IX, for the ICSE             Registrations received after the due date will not be accepted.
    4. Name/s and date of Birth: Special attention must be paid to entering correctly the name/s of candidates and their mother’s, father’s and/or guardian’s names. Attention also needs to be paid to entering the correct date of birth of candidates. The Certificate will show the Name/s and ‘Date of Birth' as certified by the Head of the School at the time of entry.
  2. Examination Charges:The rate of charges will be notified separately. Examination charges are to be paid online by schools. Payment should be made at the time of submitting the Confirmation of entries
G. Time allowance for Question Papers:

Any time specially allocated for reading through question papers will be stated on the question papers.

H. Materials to be provided for by candidates:

Candidates must provide themselves with pencils, erasers, mathematical instruments and art materials. They are required to write their answers with black/blue ink pens. Fountain pens and ballpoint pens may be used, but pencils may be used only for diagrams. The use of slide rules is permitted in science subjects, but candidates using them should state this on their answer scripts and should be warned of the possible loss of accuracy involved. Information such as formulae or other data which appears on slide rules must be securely covered before they are taken into the examination room. Mathematical tables will be provided; candidates are not allowed to take mathematical tables into the examination room. The use of a plastic pointer cum calibrated scale or any electronic device/s, during any Examination of the Council is prohibited, except for Calculator

I. Issue of Results:

Schools/Candidates can view and print the result online. In addition, the Statements of Marks and Pass Certificates will be sent to Heads of Schools after the declaration of results. The result sheets show the result in the examination as a whole and also indicate the standard reached in each subject taken, (except Socially Useful Productive Work and Community Service) by grades ranging from 1 to 9, 1 being the highest and 9 the lowest. Very good is indicated by grades 1 and 2. Grades 3, 4 and 5 indicate a pass with credit, 6 and 7 indicate a pass and 8 and above a failure.

The standard reached in Socially Useful Productive Work and Community Service (Internally Assessed) will be shown on the result sheets by grades A, B, C, D or E; A being the highest and E the lowest. A, B, C or D indicate a pass and E a failure.

J.       Awards and conditions for awards:
  1. PASS CERTIFICATES will be awarded to candidates who at one and the same examination have entered for at least six subjects and have attained the pass standard in at least five subjects which must include the subject English.
    Provided that no candidate, except as otherwise exempted by the Council, shall be awarded a Pass Certificate unless in addition to fulfilling the conditions above he/she has attained a pass grade in SUPW and Community Service as examined/assessed internally by the school.
  1. SUPPLEMENTARY PASS CERTIFICATES will be awarded to candidates who have obtained PASS CERTIFICATES and who appear in a subsequent examination and attain the pass standard in one or more subjects
  2. STATEMENT OF MARKS will be issued to all candidates who appeared for the examination.

The pass marks for each subject is 33%.

K.     Certificates etc:
  1. Statement of Marks /Pass Certificates / Supplementary Pass Certificates will be issued through the Heads of Schools as soon as possible after the issue of results
  2. Duplicates of Pass Certificates/ Supplementary Pass Certificates are not issued, instead a Certifying Statement of Examination Result may be requested for online by the Heads of the School/Candidate with supporting documents and on payment of prescribed charges
  3. Duplicates of Statements of Marks may be requested for online by the Heads of the School/Candidate with supporting documents and on payment of prescribed charges
  4. Migration Certificates will be issued on request, by Heads of Schools concerned, to candidates who have been awarded Pass Certificates.
  5. Duplicates of Migration Certificates may be requested for online by the Heads of the School/Candidate with supporting documents and on payment of prescribed charges


L. Rechecked:

The accuracy of a subject grade awarded will be checked on request, in one or more subjects, provided that the Head of the School/Candidate forwards the application online. Such applications must be made in the proforma prescribed online by the Council and must be received at the Council’s office not later than seven days from the day of the declaration of results. Schools/Candidates will be required to pay the charges online for each recheck as prescribed by the Council from time to time.

The recheck will be restricted only to check whether:
  • all the answers have been marked;
  • there has been a mistake in the totalling of marks for each question in the subject and transferring the marks correctly onto the first cover page of the answer script;
  • the continuation sheets attached to the answer script, as mentioned by the candidate, are marked

No other re-evaluation of the answer script or other work done by the candidate as part of the examination will be carried out under any circumstances whatsoever.

  • The communication regarding the revision of marks, if any, shall be sent online to the Head of the School/Candidate.
  • The Council shall revise the Statement of Marks and Pass Certificate in respect of such candidates whose results have changed and after the previous Statement of Marks and Pass Certificates have been returned by the Head of the

The decision of the Chief Executive and Secretary of the Council on the result of the scrutiny and recheck shall be final.