
In KG Section we have a lot of activities throughout the year.

  • KG Assembly: This is platform for the children to perform on the stage and exhibit their talents. They also learn to overcome their fear and inculcate self-confidence.
  • Parties: To infuse the concept of healthy food habit the little children are involved in various parties. Fruit Party, Chaat party and sandwich making parties are organized throughout the year to teach the importance of eating good food. They also learn to share things with their peer group.
  • Shows: Teachers help the little stars to prepare shows like Animal Show, Flower Show and Vegetable Show which help them to recognise the different segments of nature.
  • Special days: To teach the students the basic concept of primary colours, we put up shows like Red Day, Yellow Day, Blue Day and Green Day. We also celebrate Teachers’ Day, Children’s Day, Christmas Day, KG Sports Day which help them to create and accquired with a cultural perception memories throughout their life time.
  • Talent Hunt: Every child is blessed with an inner talent. To nurture this talent we organize Talent Hunt shows ‘like Kid’s Fest’ and ‘Little Challengers’ in alternative years to showcase the hidden qualities of our budding.
  • Online Competition: We conduct online competition where the students participate with the help of their parents and display their skills through Action Rhymes, Storytelling and Selfie Contest. It is an exposure for them to the outer world.